
Newly Banded and Hungry!

on 12/4/08 5:20 pm

OK  I know I shouldn't ask.. and I am not complaining.. but I was just banded this past Monday and I am feeling hungry!  I've only taken Tylenol 3 times, have virtually no pain, walked 3 miles today, am hydrating very well.  No problems, thank goodness!  I even took in about 55 grams of protein today on a full liquid diet and tolerated that well.   I'm not complaining, honest.. but am wondering if anyone else felt hungry at this point? 
By the way?  I am down 15 pounds over the past 12 days.  Yayyyy 

Darrin D.
on 12/5/08 3:51 am - GA

Yup, the first day or so I wasnt really hungry, but after the 'surgery' finally wore off I was starving.  Remember, until you get that first fill the band is really not doing much, you are basically dieting.  Thats where the post op diet and a whole lot of willpower come in.  Stick to your post op diet and you will see some results.  Also, you are still healing so you are going to get some oddball things occasionally, pay attention, take care of them and all will be good.

Everybody says it, and it is very true, get up and start moving.  Walk, walk, walk.  It helps you to lose, it helps to keep any respiratory issues from coming along and, if you are like I was and STILL full of gas from surgery, it will start that gas to moving. 

Stick with the diet, dont give up, it really does work

2nd Fill 2.5cc's for a total of 6cc in a 10cc Realize Band
on 12/5/08 4:28 am
Thank you so much!  I think that I was well informed before the surgery and had gotten the dietary counseling.  I was surprised because so many people had written in about not having any appetite for a month or two.   Unfortunately, I don't seem to have been the lucky.  =)
However, I am feeling great and am losing.  The gas has "passed" and all is wonderful!  Thank you for your response!
on 12/5/08 7:08 am - farmingdale, NJ
Hi, I was banded on Nov 7. For some strange reason I thought after the surgery I wouldn't be hungry, but by day 4 I wanted something, anything but liquids, I was so tired of broth I told my husband to go the WAWA and get some broth from them. It is very normal to be hungry. Willpower is the key. You only have 1 week and some days. You can do it. I rooting for ya.
[image noborder]http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wcA3oBn/weight.png[/image]

renee K.
on 12/5/08 10:36 am - Augusta, GA
This is what is called bandster hell-im right there with ya!  NO restriction at all.  I am trying to follow the band rules but with all the holiday snacky stuff around grrrrrrrr soooooooo tempting!!  BUT it will all be ok!  Do your best and know that after your fill the hunger should be much less.  I am trying to stay occupied and NOt eat when im not supposed to.  Im home alone at night and its HARD!!! 
Hang in there---------WE CAN DO THIS!!  I CANT WAIT TIL I GET A FILL!!!!!!


on 12/5/08 11:22 am
THANK YOU!!  I hope you will be getting your fill soon.  I made it thru my hunger.  Just got back from the gym.  I need to keep the big picture in mind.  A few more pounds and I will  break the 240 mark and I haven't been below that weight in several years.  I CAN do this!!
Hugs and blessings to the nice people *****ad and replied.   I really appreciate it!
PS,  Crystal Light makes a peach green tea/metabolism booster in single serving packets that seemed to help me thru this hunger for today.  
on 12/5/08 11:04 am - Albany, NY

I was also banded this past Monday... woke up hungry...eating great...drinking...everything good.

Then I got hungery and ****y yesterday.  BIG MISTAKE!  Resist the urge to go off the prescribed post op diet.  I paid dearly with 3 hours of dry heaves last night.  I'm just hoping I didn't mess up my band placement or give myself a hernia.  It was aweful and not worth it.

I know your feeling great now, but that can change in a heartbeat...trust me!

on 12/7/08 1:42 am
Awwww T!!  I'm sorry you felt so sick!  I hope you are feeling a lot better!!  Just a thought, I hope you might have talked to your doctor about your vomiting.  At the very least, please be in tune to possible complications.  I am sure that you weren't the first person to go off the diet and won't be the last.  If you are concerned about complications, please call your doc!
Let's both try to start today as a new day.. and keep on doing that.  One hour or one day of success at a time.  Hugs!!
on 12/6/08 11:56 pm - Florence, KY
Hi Houston Nurse (Cincinnati Nurse here :o)
I was banded in November and went through the same ordeal.  I am due for my first fill in a week and I have to admit, the hunger dissipated some but the urge to go "off" the diet is strong since after the swelling is gone your body realizes there is no restriction.  My stomach growls constantly and protein water beverages seem to help...but they are boring!  Part of it I think is now that I am back to being very active my body wants MORE...and needs to learn to deal with LESS.  Hang in there...we got your back!
on 12/7/08 1:36 am
Thank you, Sonja!  That is great wisdom and makes a lot of sense.  I seem to be most hungry after I have gone to the gym.   It makes sense that my body wants what it is accustomed to getting: a LOT more calories than I need.  Maybe dealing with that hungry feeling is a part of resetting my body metabolism away  from excessive calories and to begin burning fat.   It certainly is an education to learn that my body can be well maintained with so much less food but if I had already learned that, I wouldn't have needed a band! 
It might also help for me to try to be better hydrated following my light workouts.  I should try to figure out if maybe I am really thirsty in addition to feeling hungry.   I have noticed that I tend to eat when I might actually be feeling thirsty or tired.  Need to become better in tune with my body and not use food as the solution.   You've given me a lot to think about.  Thank you!  Pat
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